A new CBD Component was Made from Oranges in Japan

This year, Hiro International, a Japanese company led by Ryusuke Koseki, introduced a line of CBD oil extracted from the orange peel that does not contain THC.
This news can significantly affect the scope of CBD since the content of the psychotropic component tetrahydrocannabinol should not exceed more than 0.3% to be legal. Exceeding the permissible THC value is a serious problem in the CBD industry. The Japanese company seems to have found an alternative way to avoid it.
CBD products are not widely used in Japan because of containing THC, which is illegal in the country.
Koseki claims that Orange CBD is identical in structure to CBD, which is extracted from hemp and has the same moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin, and you can get the same effects without danger in terms of legality using Orange CBD.
According to Koseki, no studies have been conducted comparing Orange CBD with hemp CBD, but the company can figure this out soon.
Orange CBD has attracted increased attention from investors. Now the owners of the company are thinking about selling CBD products on the overseas markets. According to experts, the news that CBD can be extracted from the orange peel may make manufacturers think about looking for this compound in other sources.
Many reputable publications have called cannabidiol one of the main components in beauty and wellness. According to unverified data, cannabidiol has a powerful therapeutic effect and improves the general condition of the body. In the United States, hemp and its extracts have been legal since the signing of the Farm Bill in 2018. In just a year, this sector has already brought in millions of sales, and experts say that by 2024 it could reach $20 billion.