What Are CBD Roll-Ons and CBD Gels?

Can you get the benefits of CBD without actually taking CBD? The studies show that CBD can have potential benefits that is why many people are looking to CBD as a promising option. For people who aren’t interested in ingesting CBD, topicals offer a very neat, easy option for absorption.
For people who are already utilizing the benefits of CBD through oils, capsules or edibles, topicals offer an exciting way to enjoy even more benefits. However, there are two specific types of topical CBD products to know about when searching specifically for relief, relaxation and recovery.

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read):
People are turning to gel and roll-on CBD topicals for relaxing, soothing formulas that give their skin, joints and muscles those classic CBD benefits in a more targeted way. In addition to feeling amazing on the skin, CBD topicals often have carefully crafted, ultra-fresh scents that awaken the senses to induce relaxation. Many people now use a CBD roll-on or soothing gel in place of the drugstore muscle creams they used to use. The benefit of making the switch is that CBD products tend to be “clear and natural” because they don’t contain all of the additives and fragrances used by mainstream wellness topicals. They work relatively quickly while also providing staying power.
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If you’ll be shopping for these topicals for the first time, it’s helpful to go in with a little knowledge about what to expect. The first tidbit of advice is to only purchase CBD topicals from reputable brands that post dosage and product volume right on the label. In addition, purchasing organic, lab-tested products is the easiest way to ensure that you’ll get the maximum benefit of using CBD on your skin without risks of skin irritation.
What Is a CBD Roll-On?
An easy way to apply CBD oil topically, a CBD oil roll-on is used for recovery and relaxation. It comes in a lightweight, portable roll-on container that often fits in your pocket. The ball of the roll-on container is designed to glide easily over your skin before drying quickly.

Top Selling CBD Roll Ons
What Is a CBD Gel?
A CBD gel is a topical formula that is designed to be worked into the skin. In most cases, a CBD gel will contain various botanicals for added soothing powers. For someone looking for a slightly more intense experience, a CBD gel might be a good fit. While a СBD gel goes on like a cream, it has a clear consistency.

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CBD Oil Roll-Ons and Gels
The formulas for CBD roll-ons and CBD gels are often similar. However, there is a difference in application. Unlike a CBD roll-on, a gel allows you to work the topical into your muscles using your hands. CBD gels are often “soothing” gels designed to relax tired muscles.
What Do They Do and How Do They Work?
Roll-on and gel CBD products are topical products that are designed to soothe muscles and joints. Unlike CBD creams, they are not necessarily designed to nourish or beautify the skin. However, the ingredients in these products do often nourish the skin simply because they are natural and potent.
When using a CBD roller or gel, the goal is typically to apply a concentrated amount of CBD to a specific part of the body for relief. These products are designed to support skin homeostasis when factors like exercise leave the body feeling worn and tired. To use these topicals, apply the formula to the area of your body that needs some “calm support.”
When looking at any CBD roll-on review, you’ll notice that different manufacturers use a variety of different ingredients in their formulations. However, most basic roll-on and gel products contain cannabinoids and terpenes. The CBD range for most products is between 250 milligrams and 1,000 milligrams per application. It’s also common to see products called “CBD freeze roll on” that include the following ingredients:
- Menthol that gives a cooling sensation
- Lidocaine or temporary relief
- Jojoba for moisturizing
- Aloe vera for burns and skin irritations
- Arnica montana is used in herbal options for its helenalin, known as a soothing agent

How to Use Them?
When learning how to apply CBD roll-ons or gels, simply apply the formula liberally to any area of your body in need of relief. When using a roll-on, you can work the tip of the roller into the spot. When using a gel, you can use your hands to gently work the gel into your skin until it’s completely blended. Both forms will absorb quickly.
- Rub a thin layer of gel on to the affected area; avoid eye area and open wounds
- Massage deeply for best results
- Wash your hands after handling this product to prevent injury

These products aren’t intended to replace daily moisturizers or skin ointments. While they do nourish the skin, their primary intention is to provide relaxation and relief for tenderness. Some people apply these topicals upon waking up in the morning to begin the day by “waking up the muscles.” Other people prefer to apply their roll-on or gel after working out.
As with other applications, the intake of CBD topicals varies for every individual. Because each person will process CBD at a different rate, we recommend starting with a lower measurement and adjusting accordingly.
How Long Does It Take for CBD Roll-On to Work?
As you may already know, CBD topicals take much longer to be absorbed into the bloodstream than things like oils and edibles. The specific length of time it takes for a product to work varies by product formulation and potency. However, the general rule is that it takes between 15 and 30 minutes for the soothing action of a topical CBD product to kick in.
Final Thoughts
While soothing CBD topicals are often used by athletes looking for natural alternatives to sports gels and creams, these products are truly for anyone! The benefit of using these products is that you can apply as much as you need in the specific areas that need relief. The wide variety of potency levels available ensures that you can get the level of relief your muscles and joints need using the best CBD roll-on for your budget!
- https://journals.lww.com/anesthesia-analgesia/Fulltext/2017/11000/Selective_Cannabinoids_for_Chronic_Neuropathic.32.aspx
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2503660/