Can You Buy CBD Oil in Walmart?

Can You Buy CBD Oil in Walmart?

Despite all the available information online and from other sources, many people still do not understand the difference between CBD oil and hempseed oil. Understanding how the two oils differ is important so you know you are buying what you intended. Since CBD and hempseed oil are extracted from the hemp plant, it is easy to buy a hemp product at Walmart, believing it is Walmart CBD oil or pills.

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Are there CBD products at Walmart? The answer is “no” because Walmart has a policy that products with any CBD or THC cannot be sold online or in stores. What is sold are hempseed products, made with hempseed oil extracted from the hemp plant’s seeds. The seeds have nutritional value but do not contain CBD or THC. Authentic CBD products are made with CBD extracted from several parts of specially cultivated industrial hemp (cannabis) plants. The extracts have all the cannabinoids, including CBD, THC, minor cannabinoids, and terpenes. Processing determines the final CBD spectrum produced.

What is CBD Oil?

Speaking botanically, marijuana and CBD both come from Cannabis sativa plants but from different cultivated varieties. Industrial hemp is a specifically cultivated hemp plant that meets the requirements of the 2018 Farm Bill. The bill reclassified hemp and allowed the legal farming and harvesting of hemp that meets specific requirements. The main requirement is that the industrial hemp plant cannot test for more than .3% THC on a dry weight basis. This was the cutoff amount set because 0.3% THC will not cause a high.

The specially cultivated cannabis sativa plant is used to make CBD oil from the stalks, leaves, and flowers. This plant is called hemp or industrial hemp to separate it from marijuana. CBD oil can be extracted from the marijuana plant but will contain a much higher amount of THC. Since marijuana is still not legal in many places, CBD products are almost always made from the industrial hemp plant.

Hempseed oil or hemp oil is made by cold-pressing hemp plant seeds. Hemp seeds do not contain any CBD or only a trace amount. The seed is technically a nut and rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It also has no trans fat.

Hemp seed oil and CBD oil differences

The Legality of CBD Oil

CBD oil made from industrial hemp is legal at the federal level per the Farm Bill and its subsequent amendments. CBD extracted from the marijuana plant, not cultivated to restrict THC, remains illegal because cannabis is on the Schedule 1 controlled substance list.

However, each state has the right to establish its own CBD laws. As of the end of 2023, 47 states and the District of Columbia have made CBD obtained from industrial hemp legal. The confusion comes from the fact that most states have state regulations concerning CBD possession and usage for personal or medical reasons. These regulations cover a wide range of requirements.

For example, Massachusetts-made oil with THC content exceeding 0.3% is entirely legal for people aged 21 and older. Nebraska made CBD conditionally legal because only hemp-derived CBD oil is allowed. New York made CBD oil fully legal without restrictions. Wyoming made CBD oil legal as long as it contains no more than 0.3% THC. Each state has made CBD fully legal or legal with restrictions. Most restrictions address when cannabis-derived CBD oil with THC is legal and at what point a medical cannabis license is required.

Can You Buy CBD Oil in Walmart?

Walmart as well as Amazon sells hemp oil or hempseed oil. Walmart’s stance on CBD is that it will not approve the sale of any CBD oil or CBD products in its stores or online. Walmart only sells hemp products. The hemp oil at Walmart will contain only a trace of CBD at the most and is more likely to have no CBD. The FDA says that any CBD or THC traces found in hemp oil are likely due to the seeds picking up the cannabinoids during harvesting and processing. The seeds come in contact with other plant parts.

The primary difference between hempseed oil and CBD oil is the parts of the hemp plant used for extraction. Walmart’s stance on CBD is so strict because the retail chain wants to avoid potential legal risks since the states have different laws. Fortunately, you can buy high-quality CBD oil online from reputable, trustworthy brands that follow complex state laws.

Alternatives to Buying CBD Oil in Walmart

You can shop for CBD oil at convenience stores, pharmacies, department stores, CBD specialty stores and many other places. Buying CBD oil in retail stores is common, but buying online from trusted brands is the best way to shop for CBD. The reasons online shopping for CBD oil is the best route include the following.

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  • You can find many CBD products, including oils and tinctures, gummies, capsules and softgels, edibles, and more.
  • Easier to compare the cost per CBD serving.
  • It is easier to shop for CBD oil designed to address various issues, like CBD oil for reducing feelings of discomfort and sleep quality improvement.
Shop CBD products by benefits
  • Many different CBD oil potencies are available.
  • CBD oil is available in all three spectrums: CBD full spectrum, CBD broad spectrum, CBD isolate.
  • Can read the Certificate of Analysis (COA), a quality assurance report prepared by a third-party lab that tested the product’s ingredients for CBD potency, THC potency, minor cannabinoids’ potency, terpenes, heavy metals, pesticides, bacteria, and molds.

How to Choose Quality CBD Oil?

Choosing quality CBD oil requires understanding the difference between CBD oil and hempseed oil so you do not buy the wrong product. Though hempseed oil has nutritional value, it does not have the cannabinoids that research studies have found may help with issues like sleep disorders and chronic discomfort.
Following are some points to remember to help you choose quality CBD oil.

  • Identify why you want to try CBD oil because many formulations are available today, i.e., general wellness, sleep issues, energy, etc.
  • Only purchase CBD products from brands that have a good reputation for transparency and make the COAs for their products easily accessible.
  • If interested in environmental sustainability, some CBD brands grow hemp that is USDA Certified Organic Hemp.
  • There are also CBD products sold that are USDA Certified Organic, meaning the hemp and processing procedures follow strict government standards. Cannabinoid extraction is usually completed using CO2 extraction because it does not require solvents.
  • Always review the Certificate of Analysis (COA).
  • Decide which CBD spectrum you prefer. Full spectrum CBD has no more than 0.3% THC and all the other plant compounds. CBD broad spectrum has all the plant compounds except it has only a trace of THC or is THC-free. CBD isolate spectrum is only CBD.
  • Choose CBD products that tell you how much CBD is in each dose.
  • Do not buy CBD products that claim CBD “cures” any health issue.
  • Read consumer reviews because CBD consumers experience cannabinoids in different ways.
Read consumer reviews because CBD consumers experience cannabinoids in different ways.

Be a Knowledgeable and Wise CBD Consumer

If you see products labeled as CBD oil at Walmart, it is hempseed oil. Walmart does not sell CBD products. This is an excellent example of why it is essential to learn about the various cannabinoids and how they are extracted. If you are a first-time CBD user, buy a high-quality CBD oil from a market-tested brand. Start with a low-potency product and follow dosage recommendations for at least two weeks before increasing potency. This gives you a chance to experience how CBD will impact your body.


  1. Congressional Research Service. “FDA Regulation of Cannabidiol (CBD) Products.” Congressional Research Service
  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). “FDA Responds to Three GRAS Notices for Hemp Seed-Derived Ingredients for Use in Human Food.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  3. Moltke J, Hindocha C. “Reasons for cannabidiol use: a cross-sectional study of CBD users, focusing on sleep problems.” J Cannabis Res. 2021;3:5. Journal of Sleep Research – Wiley Online Library
  4. National Library of Medicine. “Aging changes in sleep.” National Library of Medicine


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