The US House of Representatives Passed An Amendment to Regulate CBD

The United States House of Representatives has developed two amendments to the drug policy that should help to regulate the CBD industry.
The first initiative stimulates the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) funding. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested that the DEA transferred $5 million to a program for opioid treatment. The amendment passed with one voice, but it still depends on the Senate’s decision. Ocasio-Cortez said that the reason for the measure was to end the war on drugs.
The DEA’s funding is $2.36 billion, which still exceeds last year’s funding and is higher than President Donald Trump stated in the budget.
The amendment was supported by Representative Jose Serrano and Michael Collins from the Drug Policy Alliance. They agreed that opioids were a massive threat to the community, and the measures should draw the DEA’s attention to the problem and provide care that people need to overcome the addiction.
Representative Jerry McNerney introduced the second amendment. It appealed to the long-awaited hemp regulations required from the Food and Drug Administration.
Although growing hemp was legalized under the Farm Bill in December 2018, adding CBD to food and drinks is still not regulated. The CBD industry is growing fast, but there are no rules for CBD dosing and quality.
The House debated two more drug policy amendments: one regarding using the Justice Department funds to interfere in the state laws for marijuana, and the other for tribal cannabis programs.