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CBD Advisory from Alcohol Tobacco Control Upsets Veterans Supporting Medicinal Marijuana Use

cbd oil in louisiana

In Lake Charles, LA, a stop to CBD sales took place due to the actions of The Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control. The current law in Louisiana states that marijuana-based products are considered to be Schedule I substances.

It’s according to the Louisiana Controlled Dangerous Substance Law, and it’s causing quite a bit of confusion. Federal law states that hemp products are legal. Louisiana puts a bit more control on the situation. They want to ensure that all hemp products that are sold in their state must have absolutely no THC in them. Federal law dictates that a product is legal if there is less than 0.3 percent THC.

It looks as though the commissioner will be the one to clarify the legality of this situation. Unfortunately, it has been some years since clarification issues have been going on, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. Medicinal marijuana changed his life, and it allowed him to feel like himself again. For people like Thibodeaux, the future of medicinal marijuana is unclear.

Over 50 American veterans die each day to suicide and prescription drug overdose. Medicinal marijuana can provide a safe, and much needed treatment option for these heroes that bravely have served our country. Cannabis for Warriors is an organization that is fighting for affordable and legal access to cannabis and CBD oil in Louisiana.


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