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A New Amendment to the CBD-Regulating Bill in Indiana Can Hurt CBD Farming

indiana cbd bill

An amendment to a bill that passed in the Indiana Senate can make possessing and selling hemp and CBD flower illegal. According to the change, “hemp bud and hemp flower may be sold only to a licensed hemp processor,” with the maximum fine of $2,500.

This regulation was added in response to CBD sellers who distribute CBD hemp flowers with an excessive THC level. THC is a psychoactive compound of cannabis that causes a high efficiency. Usually, CBD hemp has a low THC quantity. The legal amount of THC in hemp flowers is under 0.3%.

CBD distributors think that the amendment is harmful to their business. Brandon Howard, the owner of Higher Life CBD Dispensary and a high-volume CBD seller, said that many people preferred smoking to other ways of CBD consumption because of a quicker response. That is important for those who use CBD to get relief.

Another industry representative, Dillon Gross, the owner of Pure CBD Exchange, thinks that the amendment can make entering the industry harder for sellers. Now it’s straightforward to start farming CBD flower, and it’s very profitable.

Dillon Gross is the owner of Pure CBD Exchange, which manufactures Aspen Valley CBD Flower, sold in some Indiana shops. The company started in Indiana, but Gross said they preemptively moved operations to Denver out of fear something like this might happen.

“I don’t think the state should have a role in telling people how to use hemp,” he said. “If we can provide people the benefits of marijuana without the intoxication or high, that seems pretty reasonable.” He said banning smokable products would cause “hundreds of thousands of dollars” go away from the CBD business.


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