CBD Sales Grow Way Faster than Data on Hemp Health Benefits

There are a lot of stories on the internet telling how CBD turned out more efficient than traditional drugs.
For example, a family of Bluegrass Hemp Oil Co-owner Adriane Polyniak has experienced the benefits of CBD which helped Adriane’s son. Unlike traditional medicine, CBD didn’t produce hard side effects like hair loss or cognitive disorder. Thanks to CBD’s non-toxic nature, it can be used by people of different ages and health conditions.
Though a lot of people say that they see relief after taking CBD, there is still not enough evidence that could prove their words. Medical workers are concerned about CBD availability that is growing without proper proof of its benefits, claims Dr. Anup Patel, Section Chief of Pediatric Neurology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
Excessive enthusiasm about CBD is what concerns doctors like Anup Patel. There has to be enough research before taking CBD so widely.
The positive side of this situation is that CBD is getting more and more attention from scientists. The fast-growing industry forces the government to come up with the regulations without waiting for the studies that can take many years. Currently, the FDA states that CBD in food products is still illegal without FDA approval.