CBD Oil Vs. CBD Edibles: Which is Better?

Today, there are a wealth of CBD products available, including CBD oil and CBD edibles, especially the popular CBD gummies. An ongoing debate concerns the differences between CBD edibles vs oil. Which is better, or are they the same in terms of delivering benefits?
The answer depends on the user’s needs and preferences because both offer a significant number of benefits. The following discussion reviews the features to consider when deciding which CDB products to buy.
CBD Gummies vs. CBD Oil: How They Differ?
Is CBD oil edible? CBD industry terminology can get confusing. Technically, CBD oil is edible, but the term “CBD edibles” usually refers to products like:
- CBD gummies
- CBD candies
- CBD lollipops
- CBD bars
- CBD-infused beverages, and many others.
CBD gummies are soft chewable candies that contain CBD oil. There is also CBD oil which is a product made by extracting CBD and other nutrients from the hemp plant, a variety of the cannabis Sativa plant. The hemp plant has almost no THC which is the element that creates the psychoactive high. CBD oil is either diluted with a carrier oil or used to make products like CBD gummies.

When deciding whether to use CBD oil or ingest CBD edibles, consider the following features.
1. Absorption Rate and Bioavailability
Bioavailability refers to the amount of CBD that reaches the bloodstream once a product is consumed. The absorption rate refers to the speed with which the CBD reaches the bloodstream.
CBD Edibles
CBD edibles are swallowed or ingested, and the uptake into the bloodstream can be a wide range of 4-20%. It can take anywhere from 30-120 minutes for the full effect of the CBD to be felt. Edibles must be processed through the digestive system which is why it takes longer to experience the effects. CBD gummies are CBD edibles, but the absorption rate would be higher than an edible like CBD bars. The bars have more ingredients for the body to process.
CBD Oils
However, when comparing tinctures vs edibles, a CBD oil tincture that is placed under the tongue (sublingually) will take effect faster and has a higher bioavailability than edibles. The CBD is absorbed directly into the small blood vessels through the thin membrane under the tongue. CBD can take effect within 25 minutes. Bioavailability ranges from 12-35%.
2. Dosage, Strengths, and Volumes
CBD Edibles
CBD gummies are formulated in different potencies. These edible products may have as low as 5 mg of CBD or as high as 350 mg or more per gummy or individual serving. When reading the label, a package of gummies may say it has 25 mg total of CBD or 1,500 mg (or more) total of CBD. That number is referring to the total CBD in the package, and the package size (i.e. 30 counts or 100 counts) determines the total.
A dosage is one gummy, and you can eat one or more gummies each day. You will know how much CBD you are consuming because the label indicates the amount of CBD per gummy. There are sleep CBD gummies available which have melatonin. A sleep gummy is eaten shortly before bedtime.
CBD Oils
CBD oil also comes in a variety of potencies per dosage. Generally, anything over 35 mg per serving is considered high potency. There are high potency CBD oil products on the market that have as much as 5,000 mg of CBD per dose! Like the CBD gummies, each bottle of CBD oil will indicate the total amount of CBD in the bottle.

A single dosage of CBD oil depends on the strength of the product. The typical dose is 20-40 mg each, but some people may take less or more. The dosage is controlled by the drops of oil. One drop of CBD oil is approximately 0.05 milliliters. You can take one or a few drops to consume several milliliters. Most people consume approximately 40-160 milligrams in total per day.
The packages of gummies with CBD and bottles of CBD oil should have clear labeling indicating the amount of CBD in the package, the CBD per drop or dropper, or per gummy, and the recommended dosage.
3. CBD Gummies vs. CBD Oil Usage
CBD Edibles
CBD gummies are usually chewed, one or two at a time.
CBD Oils
CBD oil is frequently administered via a dropper which can pre-measure the dosage. A typical dropper holds 1 milliliter of CBD oil. You can decide how much CBD you want to take and adjust the amount placed in the dropper.
4. Cost
The is a very wide range of product costs depending on the brand, the size of the product, the potency, and the type of CBD oil used. To compare costs, look at the price per serving instead of the total package or bottle price.
For example, a CBD gummy may cost $1.50 per serving, and the CBD oil may cost $0.75 per serving. You can also compare the price per 1 mg of CBD.
To know exactly how the prices for CBD products are set, check out this post: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide for CBD Price.
5. What Are They Made From?
CBD Edibles
CBD gummies are made with hemp-derived cannabinoid extract and ingredients like corn syrup, sugar, gelatin, pectin from fruits and other ingredients for flavor and color. If a vegan, buy CBD gummies without gelatin.
CBD Oils
CBD oil is derived from the hemp plant which has high concentrations of CBD but almost no THC. The CBD oil is extracted from part or all of the hemp. The extract is then mixed with a base or carrier oil to dilute the CBD and to make it easier to absorb. Base oils are oils like coconut oil and hemp seed oil.
6. Flavors and Taste
CBD Edibles
CBD gummies are sold in a variety of flavors – orange, pineapple, raspberry, lemon, etc. There are flavors like tropical fruit, sweet-and-sour, sour and even wine. CBD gummies taste like candy.
CBD Oils
CBD oil tastes earthy, and many people find it unpleasant. However, most CBD tinctures do have flavoring, like coconut oil, mint, vanilla, and many others.

CBD Gummies vs. CBD Oil: What Do They Have in Common?
CBD gummies and CBD oil have a few things in common. They include:
- May contain CBD broad spectrum, CBD full spectrum or CBD isolate
- Provides benefits such as skin-soothing or promoting a feeling of relaxation
- Easy to consume
- Can conveniently carry the products for consumption throughout the day
- CBD from hemp does not produce a high
- Individual dosage is easy to manage
- CBD gummy effects are similar to the CBD oil effects
Two Good Products
Comparing CBD oil vs gummies reveals CBD oils and edibles are both good products. Many people use both product forms.
The popularity of CBD products continues to grow as people struggle to deal with modern life and issues like lack of sleep. The American Sleep Apnea Association reports that 11 percent of American adults get insufficient sleep every night. Millions of people report CBD products have helped them better manage various issues. The good idea is to try the various CBD products and find the ones that best fit your lifestyle and meet your needs.
Shirley Atkinson
I love CBD gummies. They are both relaxing due to CBD and boost your mood as they are sweet and yummy. Oils are nice too, you can use them for baking.
Stacy Fibrow
How to figure the amount of CBD Oil per gummy? I’ve heard that the larger numbers per package, are the #’s of servings x the # of milligrams. For example: There’s 60 servings, at 750ml. Do I divide 60 into 750? Or is it broken down to 25ml. per 1 serving or is it, 12.15ml. Per serving? Or even easier, when it’s stated 750 mil. or 3,000 or 1500, each serving would be 25, 30, or 50ml. Is either of these methods correct?
Michael Levin
Hi Stacy,
Thank you for your question!
Firstly, CBD content is always measured by weight, in milligrams (mg) and not by volume, measured in milliliters (ml). If you buy a bottle of gummies containing 60 servings with a total CBD content of 750 mg, then one serving size is 12.5 mg of CBD (750 mg is divided into 60 servings).
Remember that serving size indicates how many of the units (gummies or capsules) need to be consumed in a day. Product labels will provide serving size and the number of servings in the container. To learn more about figuring out CBD potency, check out this post: How to Calculate CBD Content?
Stacy Fibrow
Oh, I guess I forgot.lol I guess the cbd gummy’s did have an effect. Great product!