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High-Potency CBD Does Not Impair Driving Ability

High-Potency CBD Does Not Impair Driving Ability

Research conducted by the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics at the University of Sydney revealed the highest daily dose of CBD (cannabidiol) does not impact people’s ability to drive.

Driving impairment is a concern associated with the use of marijuana (THC), so it is heartening for CBD users to know that researchers have found CBD does not impair cognitive abilities.

Previously, in our blog we wrote about the Netherlands study, which concluded that CBD does not have an intoxicating effect and does not impair driving, since it is not a psychoactive substance.

In the new study, published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, 17 participants consumed 15, 300 or 1500 mg of CBD oil or a placebo. The participants then had to complete a set of driving tasks within 75 minutes of taking the CBD oil or placebo. They then completed the driving tasks again between 3.5-4 hours after consumption. Participants completed the two sets of tasks for each of the four treatments.

The researchers used a simulated car and measured behaviors like weaving and drifting plus cognitive functioning and subjective experiences. The subjective experiences concerned feelings like ‘stoned’ and ‘sleepy’ and ‘anxious’ and ‘alert.” The simulator could also measure distances, speed and acceleration and deceleration. The tests were administered between 3.5-4 hours after consuming CBD oil because that is when CBD reaches a peak concentration in the bloodstream. After assessing the data, the conclusion was that CBD did not impact driving ability.

The lead author of the research report, Dr. Danielle McCartney, said,

“Though CBD is generally considered ‘non-intoxicating,’ its effects on safety-sensitive tasks are still being established. Our study is the first to confirm that, when consumed on its own, CBD is driver-safe.”

CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid produced in cannabis and hemp plants. There has been ongoing concern that CBD and other cannabinoids may impair a person’s ability to process information even though CBD does not produce a high. This is due to the need for more research on how CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system. It is nearly impossible to regulate the use of CBD when there are large knowledge gaps. This study is important for easing concerns there may be drivers who are impaired in some manner by the use of CBD.


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