Australia Allowed the Over-the-counter Sale of CBD

Already in 2021, the new law will come into force, but with a number of significant restrictions.
In Australia, it is now officially allowed to buy medical marijuana at a pharmacy. Moreover, it can be done almost freely, since a doctor’s prescription and other documents are not needed. However, some restrictions will still apply. So, for example, it will be legally possible to purchase only CBD containing oils and provided that this substance is not more than 1% in the composition.
The oil will be available for sale from February 1, 2021. However, when this will actually happen is still unknown. The fact is that there are no products approved for sale yet, and it will take time to register oils.
As Cassandra Hunt, managing director of Fresh Leaf Analytics, notes, the red tape is due to the fact that this industry is quite young, so it is still difficult to get all the necessary data. Among the necessary data, it includes the registration of the oil as an S3 medicine, as well as data on the effectiveness and quality of products and information on the safety of using the oils. Only after collecting all this information, oils can be released for free sale.
As Cassandra adds, this is done in order to be sure of CBD oils and to lead the products away from the illegal market. In general, the idea is aimed at getting medical marijuana more convenient and faster. If earlier people had to make an appointment with a doctor, discuss problems, wait for a doctor’s appointment, and special permission to get a prescription, now they will be able to make purchases yourself, bypassing all the extra steps. Now the process will go much faster.
Now we can only watch what will happen with the new regulation, and how soon the over-the-counter sale of medical marijuana will begin. The process may not be quick, because it has been a long time since Australia changed the schedule status of the CBD.