A New Study at Syracuse University Shows Relieving Effects of CBD

Scientists have figured out how CBD affects discomfort reduction and what impact the placebo effect may have.
CBD-containing products are gaining popularity due to a number of positive effects on humans. Researchers from Syracuse University decided to provide people with reliable information. The main question is whether the reduction results from taking CBD or the placebo effect. Martin De Vita, a researcher in the Department of Psychology at the College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University, outlined the reason for the study.
The scientist, along with research fellow Dezarie Moskal, held the 1st systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies exploring the effect of cannabinoids. The results revealed that neither CBD nor the placebo effect reduces discomfort intensity but makes it less unpleasant. More precisely, they force people to treat it differently.

The scientists used sophisticated and safe equipment to induce discomfort in the recipient. The participant was then given a drug, CBD or a placebo, to measure how the nervous system reacts. All participants were unaware of what they got. Some of those who received CBD thought they received a placebo and vice versa. It was done so that the data were reliable, and it was possible to analyze whether CBD relieved the discomfort or the expectation of the compound gave a positive result.
Scientists, analyzing the data reached during the experiment, concluded that both pharmacological and psychological effects impacted. However, it is still not enough to determine the body’s response to other types of discomfort. Also, the data may differ when using other CBD products. Therefore, the scientists said that the research would continue.
Previously, they identified the ability of CBD to reduce the antibiotics harm caused to the body.