Study Finds Administering Daily CBD Dose is Safe for Dogs

More and more people are giving their dogs CBD to promote calm. Mars Petcare decided to explore whether giving dogs a daily dose of CBD (cannabidiol) in oral form was safe. Waltham Petcare Science Institute ran the study and found that healthy dogs tolerated CBD well.
The study model and its results were published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science (September 21, 2022). Forty dogs that were rated as clinically healthy participated in the study. There were 17 Labrador Retrievers, 15 Norfolk Terriers and eight Beagles. This was a controlled study, so half of the dogs were given CBD and half got a placebo.
The dosage was 4 mg of CBD per kg of dog body weight and was administered daily. The broad-spectrum CBD was THC-free, and the dogs were given a daily dose for six months. Various health metrics were collected before the study began and at intervals of two, four, 10, 18 and 26 weeks. They included the CBD concentration in feces, plasma and urine. The dogs saw the veterinarian each month, and the dog owners conducted and recorded two daily well-being observations and a daily quality-of-life survey.
Dr. Jennifer Welser, Chief Medical Officer of Mars Veterinary Health, said,
“I’m heartened to see this study on the safety of CBD for dog health. We continue to receive questions from pet owners on whether it’s safe to give their pets CBD. We hope, with continued research, to be able to provide science-based guidance our clients expect and rely on.”
In 2021, the Center for Canine Behavior Studies conducted a survey and found that 51 percent of dog owners are giving their pets a CBD product. Since it does not have THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, CBD will not get the dog high but may provide relief to dogs suffering from conditions or help increase energy levels in aging dogs. With so many people giving CBD to their dogs, it is clear that dog owners are finding CBD a good option for pets in discomfort.
The question is whether it is safe to give CBD to dogs daily, and this study found it is safe. Clinical studies like this soothe the concerns of dog owners who hope they are doing the right thing. The caution is that the veterinarian should be informed, especially if the dog is on medication.