Pharmaceutical Company Takes CBD Research to Next Level with Large Animals

The Canadian Company partnered with Hebrew University in Jerusalem to take CBD research to the next level.
The pharmaceutical company Innocan Pharma Corporation developed CBD-loaded liposome technology (LPT), and to date had only conducted studies on small animals. The new experimental research project used large animals with the goal of continuing movement towards one day conducting clinical trials in humans. The results were similar to the results recorded in small animal research projects, meaning CBD may one day become a therapeutic solution for humans.
CBD-loaded liposome technology (LPT) refers to injectable cannabidiol encapsulated in a liposome hydrogel. The goal is to target a specific area of the body with dosage control and precise timing. This new research project injected liposomes subcutaneously (under the skin) and tracked blood concentrations of CBD over a designated time period.
The results of testing in large animals were similar to the results recorded in small animals in previous projects. Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Professor Chezy Barenholz led the research project said in the press release,
“The jump from a small animal model to a large animal model is immensely meaningful in the development of the LPT platform for humans.”
CBD was found to show continuous concentration in the blood over a long time period. As the company works towards conducting human trials, the blood concentration of CBD points to the eventual use of CBD via LPT as a therapeutic option for human medical conditions and diseases. LPT enables administering a specific CBD dose for controlled CBD release into the bloodstream. The long retention of CBD in the blood indicates therapeutic CBD solutions may allow one dose administration instead of a single dose administered daily. In addition, the injected CBD is likely to have higher bioavailability in humans compared to oral administration.
If research results continue to show successful results, the companies’ eventual testing in human trials could overcome the Food and Drug Administration’s reluctance to approve the testing of CBD products in the U.S. The FDA has issued warnings about CBD-induced side effects. However, by limiting research efforts, the agency cannot support its warnings.
Scientific research will play a big role in substantiating the claims of tens of millions of people already using CBD and attesting to the positive benefits they receive. Moving from anecdotal to proven scientific results is necessary to CBD being used one day as a treatment in patient care.