Dermatologists Discuss Potential Benefits of Skincare Products

The CBD skincare market has rapidly grown, and the market has been flooded with many products containing the popular cannabinoid. Consumers are also flooded with claims that their products can soothe and moisturize skin from the scalp to the feet and ease issues like sunburn. Are these claims valid? Several dermatologists were asked to comment about the proven or potential benefits of CBD skincare products.
Dr. Ava Shamban, a board-certified Beverly Hills dermatologist says CBD is known as a potent antioxidant. She says there are some clinical studies and lots of anecdotal evidence that CBD may regulate oil production and neutralize free radical damage.
Dr, Hadley King is a board-certified dermatologist in New York City and Clinical Instructor of Dermatology at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. While talking about a study that gave participants experiencing uremic pruritus a cannabinoid cream that eliminated the body itch in eight out of 21 people, he said,
“Cannabinoids may also have properties useful for treating skin and allergic issues. In a study of 11 humans, a topical cannabinoid was applied, and the treated patients were found to have lower levels of skin sebum and redness.”
Consumers need to understand there are beauty products containing CBD and beauty products containing Cannabis Sativa oil, and there are differences.
Cannabis sativa oil is hemp seed oil, and as the name suggests, it is derived from hemp seeds.

CBD is extracted from the hemp plant’s flowers, stems and leaves. They are different compounds and thus offer different benefits, but CBD is believed to be more powerful. CBD is an adaptogen compound that may balance skin issues because it lowers the skin’s negative response to environmental and health-related triggers. Many CBD beauty products contain a blend of other botanicals and terpenes that work synergistically with CBD. This amplifies the CBD skincare product’s effects.
Consumers are warned to buy products from reliable brands that conduct third-party testing by a licensed lab. The CBD beauty market is not government-regulated, and some products are mislabeled. However, this is the same issue with all CBD products and can be well-managed by exercising due diligence. Consumers should not assume marketing claims and labeling are accurate. They need to research the brand and product content. Despite the caution, high-quality CBD skincare products made with whole hemp plant extract hold great potential for addressing various skin issues.