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CBD Electrolyte Drinks: What Are They and What Are the Benefits?

CBD Electrolyte Drinks: What Are They and What Are the Benefits?

If you regularly sweat due to exercise, work duties or hot weather, then you have heard the advice to drink electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals with many bodily functions, and maintaining a balance of electrolytes is important. Today, you can get twice the benefits by drinking a sports or recovery drink. Formulated with CBD extract and a mix of essential electrolytes, the drink mix promotes wellness in a delicious and convenient way.

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Electrolytes are minerals in food and beverages that support electrical charges in the body’s blood and water. They are necessary to maintain everything from a healthy heart to muscle and nerve functioning. Electrolytes are primarily lost through heavy sweating due to physical activity and hot weather. The CBD recovery drink combines CBD and electrolytes to deliver benefits that include hydration, muscle and nerve recovery and relaxation.

What are Electrolytes?

Electrolytes are minerals that play an essential role in the body’s functioning. These critical minerals are often not given much thought until muscle cramps develop or an irregular heartbeat is experienced. The typical minerals that serve as electrolytes and are added to CBD drink mixes include iodine, chloride, magnesium, potassium, sodium, boron and calcium.

Electrolytes perform critical functions, so they are necessary to life itself.

  • Sodium helps the body maintain a fluid balance as it loses water; provides conducting action in muscles and nerves; regulates cell membranes, moving cell waste out of cells and moving nutrients into cells.
  • Chloride helps maintain healthy blood volume and blood clotting; also helps control the body’s fluid level.
  • Magnesium helps keep the heart rate steady; helps nerves and muscles work properly; contributes to control of blood pressure; assists with control of blood sugar levels.
  • Calcium keeps bones and teeth strong; involved in blood clotting, nerve transmissions and hormone secretions.
  • Potassium is involved in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) metabolism (energy transfer in cells); helps muscle and heart functioning.
  • Boron plays a role in bone formation and growth and production of vitamin D and sex steroids; contributes to wound healing.
  • Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormones which control metabolism and contribute to body temperature and breathing regulation; supports heart health; needed for healthy brain development.

Electrolytes conduct electrical currents when dissolved in blood or water, but each electrolyte has a specific role in helping the body maintain homeostasis. Some electrolytes work in the cells, and some work between the cells. Some electrolytes also work together. For example, the body’s sodium-potassium pump manages sodium concentration in cells, moving sodium ions out as necessary, and assisting with moving nutrients into the cells.

Why Would You Need Electrolyte Drinks?

Electrolytes are lost when your body loses fluids from:

  • Sweating
  • Breathing (evaporation)
  • Urinating
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Medications that may deplete electrolytes
  • Health conditions that increase fluid loss

You get electrolytes mainly from food and drinks, and they are filtered through the kidneys. When you do not get enough of the necessary electrolytes from food or drinks or you lose electrolytes through fluid loss, various side effects occur. Following are some of the typical symptoms indicating you may have an electrolyte imbalance.

  • Muscle cramping
  • Muscle weakness
  • Irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia (fast heartbeat)
  • Changes in blood pressure

Any activity that makes you sweat heavily leads to the loss of electrolytes. That is why people who regularly exercise, athletes and people working in hot environments drink beverages with added electrolytes for hydration.

Why Would You Need Electrolyte Drinks?

What is in Electrolyte Drinks?

There are many electrolyte drinks available today. All contain water or juice infused with a mix of electrolytes like potassium, sodium and magnesium. The exception is an electrolyte powder which you add to water.

Some electrolyte drinks contain vitamins and flavoring. However, many also contain a large amount of sugar. A typical eight-ounce electrolyte drink may contain as much as 14 grams of processed sugar. Couple this with a high sodium content, and it becomes clear that it is important to review product contents to ensure you make healthy choices.

There are quality, nutritious CBD sports drinks sold without processed sugar and other ingredients that are not natural. They are the preferred choice of people focused on wellness.

What are Electrolyte Drinks With CBD?

Electrolyte drinks target different needs. For example, a CBD recovery drink contains CBD extract and the electrolytes most commonly lost from heavy sweating or the electrolytes active people need before and after physical activity. The drink is formulated to restore electrolytes typically lost to sweating or other reasons for water loss and to maintain electrolyte balance in anticipation of electrolyte loss.

Fab CBD Electrolyte Drink Mix

A CBD drink mix that supports wellness is specially formulated and may contain the following elements.

  • CBD extract
  • Various electrolytes that target the specific needs of people who experience high fluid loss through their activities, i.e., iodine, magnesium, chloride, sodium, potassium, etc.
  • Vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant
  • Water (if not in powder form)
  • Sweetener
  • Flavoring

The healthiest CBD drink mix is made with organic ingredients, no artificial flavors or colors and a plant-based natural sugar substitute like Stevia. Products made with isolate CBD are THC-free, so any sports enthusiast can drink the beverage without any worries concerning passing a drug test.

Why choose a CBD electrolyte drink over a non-CBD drink? There is already a significant amount of research demonstrating CBD may improve athletic performance and recovery.

The most convenient CBD product with electrolytes is the CBD drink mix powder in one-serving packets. These packets are convenient to carry or store and contain premeasured doses of CBD and electrolytes.

Other Drinks Rich in Electrolytes

There are other drinks rich in electrolytes.

  • Milk contains potassium, sodium and calcium plus carbohydrates and protein.
  • Fruit juice contains potassium and magnesium but can be high in sugar.
  • Coconut water contains magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium.
  • Sports and energy drinks – fluid replacement drinks that contain electrolytes, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients; energy drinks may contain a stimulant like caffeine.
  • Herbal teas
  • Black and green teas
Other Drinks Rich in Electrolytes

Various CBD teas naturally contain electrolytes. CBD teas with chamomile, hibiscus, citrus, peppermint and mint supply electrolytes. CBD black and green teas contain electrolytes, too, because they contain magnesium, potassium and sodium. Even CBD coffee supplies electrolytes like magnesium and potassium.

So, there are many ways to obtain electrolytes essential to nerve and muscle performance and recovery.


What Does an Electrolyte Drink with CBD Do for You?

CBD has demonstrated it may provide benefits for active people. It may aid in reducing feelings of discomfort. However, there is recent research evidence that found CBD may improve muscle strength and muscle recovery. So, CBD may work to enhance performance and then aid faster recovery.

Do CBD Drinks Actually Relax You?

Various electrolytes support relaxation in different ways. Several electrolytes found in CBD drinks, like magnesium and potassium, promote muscle relaxation and may contribute to reduced feelings of nervousness.

CBD affects serotonin levels, which are hormones that control mood. CBD has also been found to help people enhance sleep. People who vigorously exercise, participate in athletics or physically work hard in other ways need to get regular sleep and avoid feeling tense.

Combining CBD with electrolytes in drinks can enhance these effects.

How Many CBD Electrolyte Drinks Can You Have in a Day?

There is no definitive answer to this question. It is possible to consume too many electrolytes and trigger an imbalance. Some of the factors include the amount and type of electrolytes in the drink, the level of electrolytes in your body, your body weight, metabolism and how much fluid you lose throughout the day. Another major factor is your diet because many foods and drinks are rich in electrolytes, i.e., bananas, coconut water, milk, spinach, chicken, white beans, etc.

Since CBD is in the drinks, you must also consider how much of the cannabinoid you can tolerate or need to benefit from the effects.

Generally, one or two CBD electrolyte drinks daily are recommended for beginners. It is always recommended to start with one serving per day for several days to determine the effects. After determining the effects, you can increase the number of drinks.

People who are very active and sweat a lot due to their activities may want to drink more CBD electrolyte drinks.

How Long Do the Effects of CBD Drinks Last?

It depends on many factors. They include body weight, metabolism and CBD potency. Generally, CBD effects can last from two hours up to six hours. If you consume CBD multiple times throughout the day, the effects will last longer. CBD can remain in your system for several days.

How long the electrolytes last after consuming a CBD drink is also influenced by the time it takes your kidneys to process and filter them and by how much electrolytes you lose from sweating, urination or other means of fluid loss.

Combine the Benefits of CBD and Electrolytes

The primary benefit of electrolyte drinks is to hydrate and replenish lost or inadequate electrolytes. A CBD drink mix with electrolytes adds the many benefits of taking CBD, including feeling more relaxed and getting better sleep. Together, CBD and electrolytes can target specific needs like muscle and nerve recovery after intense physical activities that cause heavy sweating. However, CBD plus electrolytes also promote general well-being, including increased energy, because electrolytes are necessary for functioning so many systems in your body.

The convenience of the CBD drink mix powder with electrolytes means you can always have the product on hand to take as needed, including before, during or after activities that lead to fluid loss.


  1. https://medlineplus.gov/fluidandelectrolytebalance.html
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK541123/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4712861/
  4. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/benefits-of-iodine
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537088/
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10556669/
  7. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/sports-drink
  8. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/pharmacology/articles/10.3389/fphar.2023.1210202/full


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