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Can You Put CBD Oil In Your Aromatherapy Diffuser?

Can You Put CBD Oil In Your Aromatherapy Diffuser?

Aromatherapy is a complementary health therapy that involves diffusing essential oils extracted from botanicals believed to improve mood, support relaxation and deliver other benefits. It is a holistic treatment that complements your physical, mental and emotional well-being. The common way essential oils are dispersed in the air is with a diffuser. Can you put CBD oil in a diffuser? The answer is not straightforward because CBD oil and essential oil are processed differently, have different characteristics and work differently in the body.


Full spectrum and broad spectrum CBD oils are often blended with essential oils. You can also mix CBD oil with your choice of essential oil.

Putting CBD oil in a diffuser spreads the scent in the air, and an ultrasonic diffuser works best for CBD oil because it breaks down the larger CBD molecules. However, CBD oil works differently in the body than essential oils. CBD affects the endocannabinoid system, while essential oils affect the limbic system in the brain. You will not get the full effects of CBD through aromatherapy because CBD must be consumed in a larger quantity than that achieved through aromatherapy, which spreads molecules around the room. You will enjoy the aromas oils produce, which may lead to greater relaxation, better sleep, reduced and a calm state of mind.

Growing Use of Aromatherapy for General Well-Being

In countries like the UK, Australia and the U.S., people rely much more on complementary medicine approaches today because it is a natural way to improve well-being. The International Federation of Aromatherapists says archeological sites and ancient texts have shown that aromatic oils have been used for more than 3,500 years BC. In many ways, Western nations are just catching up with what people in places like Asia have known for thousands of years. Over the last century, there have been laboratory studies to determine the effect of essential oils on human systems, like blood pressure, breathing, nervous system and pulse, with positive results.

Published in 2022, a systematic review of various surveys found that aromatherapy was the third most popular complementary medicine product among 28 other therapies. In Australia, a survey found that half of the participants used complementary medicines, including aromatherapy.

In the USA, the aromatherapy market will reach approximately $673 million in 2023, and the trend will continue upward to reach a forecasted $870 million by 2028. Given CBD oil’s growing popularity, people are expected to wonder if CBD oil and essential oil work together as aromatherapy.

Basic Differences Between CBD Oil and Essential Oil

People are turning to natural therapies to help them better manage mood and help relaxation. Essential oils are made from plants. Plant compounds are extracted from leaves, flowers, bark and fruit. The plants chosen have been found in various studies to possibly improve sleep and reduce discomfort. They include lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, eucalyptus, passion flower, peppermint, ashwagandha and more. Essential oils are also made as a base oil from plant materials like grape seed, jojoba oil and sweet almond.

The essential oils from the plants are rich with organic compounds that also include terpenes and phenylpropanoid derivatives, giving essential oils their odor and flavor. A plant’s essential oil may contain as much as 80 percent terpenes. Distillation, solvent or CO2 extraction are common methods for obtaining the crude plant extract. Essential oils are also frequently made through a cold press method.

Basic Differences Between CBD Oil and Essential Oil

CBD oil and essential oil have a lot in common. They are both plant-based oils and contain a rich mixture of organic compounds that various studies have shown may promote calm and feelings of well-being. There are also differences. When someone breathes in the aroma molecules of essential oils, they are transmitted from the olfactory nerves to the brain’s limbic system. The brain distinguishes scents, and the limbic system manages emotional and behavioral responses. The essential oil molecules impact the amygdala in the brain, the area where emotions are controlled.

CBD works differently. There are two main differences between CBD oil and essential oil. CBD oil contains terpenes, but not naturally in the same large amount as essential oils. CBD oil has hundreds of different types of terpenes, but it is the cannabinoids that are the most abundant compounds in the hemp plant. They work on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) instead of the amygdala.

Also, CBD molecules are heavier than most essential oil molecules from non-cannabis plants. Essential oils are added to CBD oil to add terpenes, aroma and flavor.

Turning CBD into CBD Aromatherapy Oil

To use CBD oil as aromatherapy, you can use a diffuser. The CBD diffuser needs the ability to diffuse all the aromatic oil molecules into the air. A diffuser converts oils into a mist.

It is important to research the various diffusers before buying one. For example, an ultrasonic diffuser breaks down the larger molecules in CBD oil so the microparticles are distributed in the air. Other types of diffusers include evaporative diffusers and heat diffusers. The ultrasonic diffuser is the preferred CBD diffuser.

To use CBD oil only as aromatherapy, you can use a diffuser

Can you use CBD oil in a nebulizer?

A nebulizer is a machine that turns a liquid into a mist for inhaling the mist into the lungs. Putting CBD and essential oils into a nebulizer for inhaling sounds like vaping. However, CBD oils sold for vaping are specifically formulated to avoid harming the lungs due to inhaling carrier oils. Inhaling carrier oils is dangerous.

Note that breathing in CBD will not be as effective as consuming CBD oil. CBD is a bioactive compound, so it must be ingested in the potencies sold today. You cannot inhale enough CBD floating in the air to enjoy the full benefits. However, you can enjoy the aroma of the CBD and essential oils. For example, a CBD diffuser for sleep could be very beneficial if you have trouble falling or staying asleep. The aromatic compounds can promote relaxation and calm thoughts.

Matching CBD Oil and Essential Oil

You can make your own CBD aromatherapy oil. To get the maximum benefits from inhaling diffused CBD oil and essential oil, you can be selective in how you pair the two oils. For example, if CBD oil has helped you manage nervousness, pair it with lavender oil, which studies have found can calm the mind. The lavender essential oil has two primary terpenoids, linalool and linalyl acetate, which may produce anxiolytic effects. Anxiolytic refers to a substance used to reduce nervousness and fatigue. Blend the two oils for maximum aroma through an ultrasonic diffuser.

If you use CBD oil to reduce discomfort, you may pair it with citrus essential oils. Citrus essential oils have been studied for their antioxidant activities with positive results. For example, grapefruit essential oil has shown significant relieving activity.

When you shop for CBD oil, you will find that blended full spectrum CBD oil and broad spectrum CBD oil products contain essential oils that scientific research has shown are effective for producing particular effects. CBD oil is blended with peppermint essential oil because the peppermint’s menthol and menthone are energizing. Diffused lemon essential oil can help clear the mind and promote a positive mood, rosemary essential oil promotes better concentration, and eucalyptus essential oil may encourage deeper breathing.


Is CBD Oil an Essential Oil?

CBD oil seems like an essential oil, but it is not. CBD is extracted explicitly from the hemp plant using a different process. Also, it interacts with the body differently compared to essential oil compounds. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, while essential oils interact with the olfactory system and then the brain. However, the term “cannabis essential oil” is used. It is usually referring to CBD oil mixed with a carrier essential oil.

Can You Add CBD Oil to Essential Oils?

You can add CBD oil to essential oils to amplify the overall aromatherapy effects when the mixture is diffused throughout the air.

What Happens If You Put CBD Oil in a Diffuser?

CBD oil can be put in a diffuser, but it should be an ultrasonic diffuser for best results. There are even diffusers sold today that are specifically designed to disperse CBD-infused essential oils. The diffuser turns the CBD oil into a mist. However, CBD oil should be a very high-quality product with a significant amount of terpenes to enjoy the most scent. Terpenes are responsible for plant scents.

Can CBD be Used in Aromatherapy?

CBD can be used in aromatherapy. CBD oil with a high concentration of terpenes will have a wonderful aroma. Clinical studies have found the right aromas may have some therapeutic effects. You can also add CBD oil with fragrant essential oil to warm bathwater. The aromatic molecules will rise out of the water for a soothing experience.


Discussing CBD aromatherapy oil is a bit complex because it refers to the diffusion of a blend of CBD oil and one or more essential oils, and the two types of oil molecules are different and work differently in the body. You can use CBD oil in your aromatherapy routine, but you should also be aware that you will not get the same effects as consuming CBD oil. An oil diffuser spreads oil molecules around, and you will not inhale all of them. Also, us an ultrasonic diffuser for best results. Aromatherapy is a great way to promote relaxation and calm, which can promote improved sleep and focus. In these hectic times, anything that can help reduce feelings of fatigue is good.


  1. https://ifaroma.org/ko_KR/home/explore_aromatherapy/what-is-aromatherapy/history-aromatherapy
  2. https://systematicreviewsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13643-022-02015-1
  3. https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/north-america-aromatherapy-diffuser-market
  4. https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/68008
  5. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168945219301190
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6007527/
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8199889/


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