Can You Have Allergic Reactions to CBD Oil Products?

Can You Have Allergic Reactions to CBD Oil Products?

The American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology research indicates that more than 50 million people in the United States experience allergies each year. It also says that allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness. It is natural to ask if people experience CBD oil allergies because CBD and other compounds come from the hemp plant, and plants are often the cause of allergies. The answer is complicated because there is limited research coupled with the fact that CBD oil contains numerous compounds and usually other ingredients. The following sections discuss what is known about CBВ oil allergic reactions.

Can You Be Allergic to CBD?

TLDR: Some people may experience an allergic reaction to CBD or to other ingredients in the CBD product. There is minimal research to date on the relationship between CBD and allergies. The allergic reaction may be due to something like terpenes, botanicals, and interactions with medications. It is important to only buy CBD products from companies that provide a Certificate of Analysis showing all the ingredients in the product.

Can You Be Allergic to CBD?

The quick answer to whether you can be allergic to CBD is “yes.” Some people may have an allergic reaction to CBD gummies, topicals, oils or any other product containing CBD. The issue is that people may think they are having an allergic reaction to CBD when it can be something else.

  • Terpenes
  • Any of the hundreds of other cannabinoids in full spectrum and broad spectrum CBD
  • Botanical or other ingredients added to the CBD oil or other products, including CBD isolate products
  • Reaction triggered by the interaction of CBD or other cannabinoids with medications

Another point to keep in mind is that some low-quality CBD products may not have all of the ingredients listed on the label or do not use quality-control procedures during the manufacturing process. You could have an allergic reaction and think it is due to CBD when it might be due to contaminants like pesticides or heavy metals.

What is an Allergy?

In simple terms, an allergy is the immune system’s reaction to what is perceived as harmful. The immune system produces immunoglobulin E antibodies in response to allergens. The symptoms are produced to make up for the allergic reaction. You can be allergic to drugs, food, mold, pollen, latex, insects and pet urine, dander or saliva.

What is an Allergy?

Research on Allergies to CBD

There has been some limited research conducted on allergic reactions to CBD. Following are a few of the studies.

  1. A 2005 study on fragrance terpenes found that the terpenes linalool, limonene and caryophyllene are not allergenic but become allergenic when exposed to air. Since this was a fragrance study, study participants were tested with skin patches. Only 2.9 percent had a reaction, and 58 percent of them had a history of allergic reactions.
  1. A 2013 study reported in the Internal Archives of Allergy and Immunology said that 12 participants out of 21 people were allergic to cannabis. However, all 21 people had food allergies.
  1. A 2017 Duke University study reports that 20 percent of study participants experienced an allergic reaction to the terpene linalool. Another 8 percent were allergic to terpene limonene.
  1. A study in 2018 found that people who have allergies to things like plants, mold and other items have a greater risk of being allergic to cannabis. If something like pollen makes it into a CBD product, you might have an allergic reaction.

Potential Allergic Reactions

Any allergic reaction can lead to different symptoms. Some of the common ones include the following.

  • Itchy, dry eyes
  • Skin rash or blisters
  • Hives
  • Shortness of breath
  • Runny nose
  • Dry cough
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat

In other words, if there is a reaction to CBD oil products, the symptoms are likely to be similar to an allergic reaction to something like pollen. However, there is always the possibility of more severe reactions, so it is vital to take any symptom seriously. If you experience an allergic reaction, it is wise to see an immunologist and be allergy tested. If you are allergic to CBD oil, there is a good chance you have other allergies, like a food allergy or a plant allergy.

Keep in mind that an allergic reaction to CBD and experiencing side effects from using CBD are not the same. Side effects are physical reactions that do not include an immune system response. For example, diarrhea and fatigue are possible side effects.

Always Buy Quality Products

Some people may experience an allergic reaction to CBD oil products. It is always important to buy high-quality CBD products from companies with a reputation for honesty and transparency. Always review the Certificate of Analysis (COA) to learn about all the ingredients in the product.




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