CBD Biscuits and Cookies are Now for Pets!
Incredible! Researchers and businesses in Florida (USA) are in agreement about the benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) for pets. Some companies have been producing CBD-containing biscuits and cookies for dogs for several years. The CBD extract contained in this product helps pets with fear. Older dogs are feeling better thanks to CBD products.
Despite the production of CBD-containing products by numerous companies, some veterinarians are dubious, citing that there is little scientific research on the effects of CBD products for pets. Most of the evidence is anecdotal, and so there is some concern that a specific product may not have the same effects in two different pets. Fortunately, several universities are conducting research to prove CBD’s many benefits.
In December 2018, the Farm Bill was passed in Florida. This bill legalized the use of industrialized hemp and removed it from the list of controlled substances. CBD is extracted from hemp, and this bill allows certain individuals to make products containing 0.3% CBD. This is great news for our pets and pet owners!
The owners of Prana Pets, a holistic company, believe in the benefits of natural products for the health of pets. They have conducted independent research on CBD cookies for dogs and have seen excellent results.
Many people have already started purchasing CBD-containing products for their pets based on the extensive anecdotal evidence available. In time, this will help remove the stigma attached to hemp and CBD products that exists today.
There are existing reports discussing the positive effects that hemp oil has for aggressive dogs, and this is likely because CBD acts upon certain receptors in a dog’s nervous system, resulting in a calming effect. With this mechanism of action, it is also possible that older, and newly adopted dogs will greatly benefit from the release of CBD biscuits.
Scientific research is being conducting daily to prove the many benefits of hemp and CBD products for dogs. So far, there are few side effects, and full safety data will be published in time. CBD biscuits and cookies are proving to be an excellent treat for dogs.
Dr. Irish’s comments: I’m very excited about the potential benefits for CBD oil in dogs, specifically its ability to prevent discomfort. Thanks to the Farm Bill, it will be easier to conduct research because there was a lot of legal red tape that was making the study of CBD for medical purposes very difficult.